What is a Carbon Credit?

The terms carbon creditemission offset, carbon offset, and offset credit can be used interchangeably, though they can mean slightly different things.

The definition Re(source) Energy uses is based on the Alberta Emission Offset System.

An offset refers to a reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that is used to compensate for emissions that occur elsewhere.

An offset credit or carbon credit is a transferrable instrument certified by the Alberta Emission Offset Registry to represent an offset of one tonne (1,000 kg) of carbon dioxide (CO2), or an equivalent amount of other GHGs (carbon dioxide-equivalent or CO2e).

For solar, one carbon credit is equal to one megawatt-hour (MWh) of solar electricity that offsets fossil-fuel based electricity on the electricity grid.

Carbon credits and Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) are not the same. Click here to learn more.



Solar Electricity Rate Plans for your next solar project

Solar electricity rate plans can significantly accelerate the return on investment of your grid tied solar power system by allowing you to adjust the price of electricity on your utility bill. These are the available solar electricity rate plans in Alberta. 1 The Solar Club by Utilitynet2 ENMAX Easymax Seasonal

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What Is The Alberta Emission Offset System?

The Alberta Emission Offset System is the largest and longest operating regulatory carbon market in Canada. Emission offset project developers undertake eligible projects to reduce or sequester greenhouse gas emissions and serialize as emission offsets on the Alberta Emissions Offset Registry. Re(source) Energy is an emission offset project developer. Project

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Find out how much you can earn from your solar grid system by selling your carbon offsets to Re(source)